David Rendall, CEO & President, VUMI® Group

VUMI® Group (VIP Universal Medical Insurance) is an international health insurance company with more than 11 years of experience offering exclusive major medical and travel products to private and corporate clients around the world.  With a resolute commitment to delivering unparalleled medical and travel insurance products with worldwide coverage to private and corporate clients, VUMI® has carved a niche for itself as a trusted name in the industry.

VUMI® Group is headquartered in San Juan, Puerto Rico, with operational offices in Miami, Florida, U.S., and additional locations around the world, including Canada, United Arab Emirates and Latin America. As a privately owned entity, VUMI® is an integral part of a comprehensive global healthcare management group comprising nine related companies with an illustrious 39-year history in managed care and health benefits.

“At VUMI®, we believe that healthcare should know no boundaries. Our international presence reflects our commitment to making quality healthcare accessible globally,” shares Rendall. At the core of VUMI®’s offerings is a diverse array of plans designed to provide insured individuals and corporate clients with a holistic approach to international healthcare. Emphasizing VIP services, the company ensures access to some of the world’s foremost hospitals and doctors, along with unique features like Second Medical Opinion VIP and Global Telemedicine.

“Healthcare is not just a service; it’s a promise. Our plans are meticulously crafted to provide a sense of security to our valued clients,” notes Rendall, underscoring the company’s commitment to prioritizing the well-being of its clients.

The company’s commitment to exemplary service is epitomized by its dedicated team, which is available 24/7/365 and ready to assist in English, Spanish or Portuguese. Unlike automated systems, when a medical emergency arises, VUMI® connects its insureds directly with knowledgeable professionals, eliminating the frustration of chatbots or endless phone loops.

“One call can make a life-changing difference. We stand by our clients, ensuring a seamless experience through every step of their medical journey,” emphasizes Rendall. This commitment to personalized service is illustrated through an event in South America: where A VUMI® insured was requested to make a payment for emergency medical services upfront, as it aligns with the standard practice in the insured’s home country. Without delay, his VUMI® agent secured the Guarantee of Payment, enabling the patient to receive the complex life-saving treatment promptly without having to pay in advance.

For those international patients seeking medical attention abroad, VUMI® offers its VIP services through an extensive network of hospitals worldwide, such as the International Patient Reception Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami (FL., U.S.) and Clinica Universidad de Navarra in Spain.

“As we navigate the complexities of global healthcare, our International Patient Reception Center demonstrates our commitment to providing not just medical care but a compassionate and supportive environment for our international patients,” remarks Rendall.

Elevating the Healthcare Experience

At the heart of VUMI Group’s dedication is the VIP Medical Service, a comprehensive set of medical services. This not only shows VUMI’s commitment to excellent healthcare but also highlights its people-focused approach in navigating the challenges of diagnosis, treatment, and unfamiliar healthcare systems. “At VUMI®, we believe in providing an unequaled medical experience at every touchpoint. From direct medical coordination with world-class providers to assisting patients and their families through the intricacies of their healthcare journey, our VIP Medical Service® is the embodiment of our commitment to excellence,” asserts Rendall.

A highlight of the VIP Medical Service® is the Second Medical Opinion VIP®, a collaboration with MediGuide International, a prestigious U.S.-based medical opinion provider. This unique offering assembles a panel of top-tier medical experts specializing in the relevant field. These experts engage in comprehensive discussions to form a conclusive, qualified opinion on both the diagnosis and recommended treatment. “This service has proven to be transformative, often leading to revised treatment plans that diverge significantly from the original recommendations. It not only reduces complex treatments but also ensures that our insureds receive the most informed and personalized medical guidance,” Rendall shares.

Integral to VIP Medical Service® is the Patient Concierge Services department, which provides personalized assistance to insured individuals and their families in hospitalization and critical cases worldwide. This service encompasses Global Telemedicine, coordination of medical appointments, and 24/7 multilingual support. “Our Patient Concierge Services go beyond medical coordination; they extend a helping hand to ensure our insureds and their families feel supported and guided through every aspect of their healthcare journey,” emphasizes Rendall.

VUMI® Group’s Healthcare Ecosystem: Tailored Solutions for Every Journey

VUMI’s products cater to both private individuals and corporate entities. “We’ve developed a wide range of plans tailored to the specific needs of each of our regional markets, all with one common goal: to provide worldwide coverage,” explains Rendall. In line with their mission, VUMI® plans meet the unique demands of their regional markets spanning Canada, Central America, the Caribbean, South America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.

“What makes VUMI’s insurance plans truly distinctive is our commitment to addressing real healthcare challenges faced by individuals, as seen in the example of VUMI® Canada,” reflects Rendall. In the past years, Canada has faced challenges of prolonged wait times for healthcare, shortages of medical staff and hospital beds, outdated medical equipment, and difficulty accessing the latest drug therapies. Rendall cites a poignant example of a Canadian cancer patient forced to make a heartbreaking decision due to delays in chemotherapy. With no start date for the chemotherapy that could have prolonged his life and mitigated his unrelenting pain, he opted for a medically assisted death, as he could no longer face the daily agony.

Recognizing the distinct needs of corporate clients, VUMI® offers customized or standard healthcare plans for businesses of varying sizes, from small groups to multinational corporations. This tailored approach enables companies to provide comprehensive healthcare solutions that align with their unique employee demographics and requirements. “Our corporate solutions are not just about insurance; they are strategic investments in the health and well-being of a company’s most valuable asset – its people,” emphasizes Rendall.

In addition to health plans, VUMI® offers other essential supplemental solutions: life insurance and travel insurance. “VUMI® plans offer a lifeline. They provide the option of private clinics and open doors to centers of excellence in the U.S. and abroad. Our supplemental insurance plans become the smart decision for individuals seeking fast, comprehensive access to care,” Rendall elaborates.

Embracing Technological Advancements

Recognizing the evolving landscape of healthcare, VUMI® has earned a reputation for being among the first to implement new technologies. “As the healthcare landscape expands, so does our commitment to providing cutting-edge services. We are focused on enhancing digital experiences for our insureds, from accessing membership cards to finding top physicians globally,” notes Rendall.

The recent launch of the Digital Office exclusively for the agent network marks another milestone in VUMI’s innovative journey. This multi-functional app transforms smartphones into powerful tools, offering features such as an online quotation tool, the latest plan information, global incentives, and direct communication with the VUMI® team. “Our Digital Office empowers our agents to deliver efficient and informed services, aligning with our mission to provide seamless experiences for both our clients and partners,” Rendall shares.

Nurturing Excellence Across Continents

With proprietary networks, affiliated and sister companies, and strategic alliances, VUMI® opens the doors to top medical institutions worldwide. “Currently boasting approximately 1,600 direct contract providers globally, our reach extends to over 800,000 providers and 7,000 hospitals spanning more than 100 countries. In the U.S., our partnership with Aetna grants access to over 1.1 million healthcare professionals and 5,500 hospitals,” shares Rendall. This expansive network ensures that VUMI’s insures receive consistent, high-quality healthcare services, subject to the Usual, Customary and Reasonable expenses (UCR) for the geographic area where the expenses were incurred.

Focus on People

At the core of VUMI’s organizational culture is a commitment to being “people-centric” — a philosophy that extends to both insureds and staff. The culture places a strong emphasis on creating an inclusive and supportive environment for team members. “Our culture is not just a set of values on paper; it’s a living, breathing aspect of our identity. We break down traditional hierarchical barriers and foster open communication and collaboration. Everyone is encouraged to contribute, share ideas, and be an active part of the decision-making process,” says Rendall.

Regular town hall meetings and feedback sessions create a platform for team members to voice their opinions, fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment. In this culture, employees don’t see themselves confined to departments but rather as integral members of a cohesive team. With over 450 employees of various nationalities, VUMI® places a premium on fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment.

“To connect our global workforce, we conduct regular Town Hall meetings led by our senior team, showcasing new products, introducing staff, and delving into industry issues. Our internal newsletter, VUMI® News, is another avenue for communication, celebrating achievements, explaining department intricacies, sharing international awards, and highlighting team-building activities,” Rendall explains. This commitment to diversity and inclusion not only enriches the company’s internal fabric but also fuels innovation and understanding in serving a diverse clientele.

A Legacy of Stability: 11 Years of Resilience

In an industry where flux is the norm, VUMI® stands as a testament to stability, boasting a legacy of 11 years. Amidst the ebb and flow of companies, VUMI® has distinguished itself by prioritizing decisions that ensure both long-term success and the enduring trust of its insured individuals. “Unlike entities solely driven by profit, VUMI® is guided by a commitment to making decisions that lay the foundation for a secure and trustworthy company. Every move, even the difficult ones, is propelled by the intent to build a lasting legacy,” notes Rendall.

A key pillar supporting this stability is the strategic decision to reinsure VUMI® products through Odyssey Group, one of the world’s leading diversified insurers and reinsurers. Free from the pressures of private equity investments or shareholder interests, VUMI® channels its profits back into fortifying its foundation. The absence of bank debt and adherence to stringent capitalization policies and cost-control measures further underscore VUMI’s financial resilience.

Future Goals and Aspirations: Pioneering Growth in the Evolving Landscape

“As we continue to earn our reputation for being financially rock solid and people-centric, our strategic growth plans are unfolding. Our dedication to innovation propels us forward, always keeping our commitment to our insureds at the forefront. Bold leadership across all departments empowers us to move quickly, maximizing benefits and controlling costs in equal measure,” Rendall emphasizes. VUMI’s future unfolds with a dual commitment: to uphold its legacy of financial stability and to pioneer growth that aligns with the ever-evolving international healthcare landscape. In this journey, innovation will be the driving force, ensuring that VUMI® remains at the forefront of delivering unparalleled healthcare solutions.

For More Info: https://www.vumigroup.com/

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