Editorial Team

Men and women were created together at the beginning of time. But, with civilisation, knowledge and development, the roles of each gender transformed into something that has become oppressive, biased and noninclusive. What women have faced over the centuries has no limit. For centuries, women have had it worse than others in the job market. Everything from being independent to having a conversation with someone of another gender has intentionally or unintentionally become biased.

A recent video emphasises how women have been systemically disadvantaged, showing that everyday products that everyone uses like soaps, shampoos, and razors are costlier when it targets female consumers. Stereotypes have become so ingrained into people’s minds that a woman is looked down on for not playing an ‘appropriate’ part in society. There’s more. Even today, women are paid lesser than men for the same job. But, as the world moves to the future, there has been a shift in gender roles and a move to a more inclusive world. From our interviews and opinions from women in the tech industry, we can see a change in gender equality in the tech industry.

Today, I believe that we have come to a stage where gender is acknowledged but has not become a defining characteristic. More companies are looking to have an inclusive work environment, giving opportunities to everyone, not only to be represented but also to have new and innovative perspectives. In many cases, companies have thrived on diversity and shaped them to become leaders in their industry. As CEOs, CTOs and CFOs, women have proven to be a driving force in these companies, especially in India.

But, this can only be seen in office spaces. This needs to overflow to the society at large, and it aches to say that we still have a long way to go to make it happen. But, for now, let us be glad about the corporate world for taking the step forward toward an inclusive society and breaking the bias. We have to start somewhere, and I believe that the workplace is a better starting point than any other. To this end, we have identified leaders in the field who have the best practices for inclusion. So, dive in and see how far the Indian corporate sector has come.


Roshni Rajagopal

Assistant Editor

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